fot. Adrian Lach
Individual Concert (2017)
The Individual Concert an event that combines club party with gallery installation. The Individual Concert tries to capture the condition of an individual during mass events like: demonstrations, concerts, religious rites or sport events. The IC gives an opportunity to look at oneself in a scale of 1: 20 000. It’s a trigger to capture the experience of being a part of a temporary community. The IC is a new type of communal event, which is inspired by multi-dimensionality of public spectacles. It is a field of clash between: different experiences of participants, different motivations of participation, different memories and characteristic elements of particular events. All of it to share the unique perspective of individual presence in a crowd.
Are we alone in 10,000 people crowd? Do we form a community? How is my reception different from the neighbor’s one? Where and who am I in the midst of the 10,000 people crowd?
Concept: dotcompany/ Fejdasz/ Kulik /Grałek /Grocholska /Kowańska /Kuszyński /Malinowski /Ostrowski /Woźnicka
Premiere: 14.01.2017, Pracownia Duzy Pokoj, Warsaw