“Nature of us” Residency Program
Research Sessions and Conferences For Central European Performance Projects about the Natural World
Residency period: Budapest 24.01 - 06.02.2022 Workshop Foundation
“The aim of the artistic research is to work on a choreographic atlas, collecting mutually interacting movements on the Earth. Conceived as a visual form of knowledge, it will act as a tool to design ecological discussions in dance practice and as a reference base for new explorations - to emphasize the connections between what is usually considered separate, to re-establish the relationship between our bodies and the bodies of nature.
Interspecies maps, queer maps, and maps of multiplicity, that are perceived through senses and in motion. By performing these cartographies through choreographic scores, it becomes a proposal for visual and corporeal ways of thinking about ecosystem interdependencies.
The project is a poetic physical installation and a place of being, thinking, and caring together, developed in collaborationwith scientists, engaging curiosity and care for all inhabitants of Earth and creating maps less charged with the white supremacist heteropatriarchal order of the world.
In order to build a cartography of the dynamic processes driving migration, the project prospose a study of the movements of non-human actors/actants. By exploring migration of birds, pollen transfer, sea tides and tectonic change, among others, it maps the constant movement of matter in the environment, that human species co-create. The aim is to build an open, inclusive, creative environment through constructing maps, sample tasks, choreographic/visual scores and in&out of the studio.
As climate change accelerates, both rising water levels and migration of humans and other species, is there a way we can find common navigation in this? Putting all of this into shared dimensions will help us see a possible landscape of ecosystem interdependencies.”
text developed with previous collaborators K.Wissing and B.Cordeiro
24/01/22 - 06/02/22 residency in Workshop Foundation, Budapest

Saturday Bazaar 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
17/03 - 27/03 residency in Prague, Bazaar Festival
Palace Akropolis KUBELÍKOVA 1548/27 130 00, PRAHA 3 – ŽIŽKOV
Work in progress presentation
during Saturday Bazaar in Alfred ve dvoře / in the Courtyard
Residencies supported by:
17/03 - 27/03 residency in Prague, Bazaar Festival

Palace Akropolis KUBELÍKOVA 1548/27 130 00, PRAHA 3 – ŽIŽKOV
Work in progress presentation
during Saturday Bazaar in Alfred ve dvoře / in the Courtyard
Residencies supported by:

Laboratory in Lókút, Hungary
Workshop Foundation Budapest
participation with Dima Omelchenko
Launching the project Don’t pressure we already lack oxygen
Our two-day programme is a reflection, thinking together. Not a conference, not a workshop. We are asking you to share your experience, your knowledge, your creativity to help us make a better continuation of the Nature of Us program, to find together (new) ways to connect artists and scientists, to inspire them to work together. The main aim of the Nature of Us programme is to raise awareness of the climate crisis, our responsibilities and duties in relation to it, and to encourage our audience, the people, to take action through projects created by artists and scientists.
Laboratory in Lókút, Hungary
Workshop Foundation Budapest

Sharing Lab for Artists and Scientists on Methodologies of Collaboration on Environmental Issues
Launching the project Don’t pressure we already lack oxygen
Our two-day programme is a reflection, thinking together. Not a conference, not a workshop. We are asking you to share your experience, your knowledge, your creativity to help us make a better continuation of the Nature of Us program, to find together (new) ways to connect artists and scientists, to inspire them to work together. The main aim of the Nature of Us programme is to raise awareness of the climate crisis, our responsibilities and duties in relation to it, and to encourage our audience, the people, to take action through projects created by artists and scientists.
Gergely, in the name of WSF's team and of the Partners of Nature of Us
Other corresponding events:
Opening Lab conference event at Bazaar Festival Prague (29-30.08.2021) and at Nature of Us conference (19-21.05.2022) on Sobieszewo Island near Gdansk, Poland.
Opening Lab conference event at Bazaar Festival Prague (29-30.08.2021) and at Nature of Us conference (19-21.05.2022) on Sobieszewo Island near Gdansk, Poland.
Part of the research project:
Research facilitation for the project Choreographic Atlases
Research facilitation for the project Choreographic Atlases
Source experience:
Lisbon - Warsaw - hometown - Warsaw - Bydgoszcz - Kraków - Berlin - Vienna - Katowice - hometown - Warsaw - Edinburgh - Lisbon - Vila Nova de Cerveira - Lisbon - Warsaw - Bytom - Wrocław - Szczecin - Warsaw - Lódz - Warsaw - Minsk - Kiev - Dnipro - Kiev - Tbilisi _ Yerevan - Kiev- Warsaw- Prague - Lisbon - Warsaw - Vienna - Sarajevo - Warsaw _ Bydgoszcz _ Lublin _Cracow _Warsaw - Paris - Warsaw_Poznan - Warsaw - Brussels - Warsaw _ Poznań _ Warsaw _ Cracow_Poznań_ Berlin_ - Dresden -_Berlin - Cologne - Cluj - London - Poznan - Cracow - _Warsaw_ hometown- Warsaw- Paris - Santiago de Chile - San Pedro de Atacama - Punta Arenas - Patagonia - Buenos Aires - Santiago de Chile - Buenos Aires - Amsterdam - Porto - Grenoble - Paris- hometown _ Gdańsk - Paris - Strasbourg - Munich - Strasbourg- Karlsruhe - Munich - Cracow - Berlin - hometown - Gdańsk- Paris - Brussels - Amsterdam - Lyon - Paris- hometown - Warsaw - Cracow - Paris - Saint Erme - Paris - Barcelona - Cracow - Warsaw - hometown - Berlin - Salzburg - Hannover- Muelheim - Rotterdam - Paris - Montpellier- Poznan - Gdansk - Cracow - Vienna - Ibiza - Paris - Saint Erme - Paris - Rabat - Khenifra - Rabat - Madrid - Gdansk - Paris - Lisbon - Madrid - Bolonia - Podgorica - Belgrade - Paris- Lisbon - Paris - Lisbon- Paris - Brussels - Paris - Lisbon - Paris - Cracow - Warsaw - hometown - Wroclaw - Paris - Zurich - Chur - Basel - Bellinzona - Aarau - Basel - Paris - Tel Aviv- Frankfurt - Giessen- Warsaw - Cracow - Warsaw - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Barcelona - Lisbon - Paris- New York - Paris - Warsaw - Paris - Cracow _ Warsaw _ Bydgoszcz _ Cracow _ Warsaw _ Poznań _ Paris_ Cracow _ Leipzig _ Köln _ Leipzig _ Cracow _ Warsaw _ Cracow- Lisbon _ Porto _ Lisbon - Warsaw
Since April 2018, I am in constant transition, without a place to come back to, without a specific base. It has to do with continuous planning of routes, stops and sketching the landscape of tomorrow. Numerous questions about the past or upcoming trips, diminish the “now” to a thin line between past and future. It results in experiencing the events, taking place in the present, in a way of immediately relating to them in past terms. “Now” is occupied by planning as well as with reporting. Constantly changing the place of being, demand readapting to new landscapes around. Finding your ways in a new city, looking for transportation possibilities to arrive to a specific spot, encountering new people. All of this keeps one’s attention on the outside. It by far moves the perception to the peripheries and eventually also shifts the point of self-reference to a space outside own’s body.
Corresponding residencies:
in dialogue with Daniela Komędera-Miśkiewicz
_Yasmeen Godder Company, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
_Machol Shalem, Jerusalem
Related projects and initiatives:
Exhibition of research in Uniwesytet Łódzki
curator: Tomasz Ciesielski